I just feel like things are totally awesome right now. Yes, there are things I really want to work on like my relationship with God and my organizational skills but I am trying. I get up at about 8 every mornign with Alex. Feed him, play with him and straighten up his little mess he managed to make in a couple hours. Around 10 or 11 he takes a nap so I can get ready for work. I get ready and when he wakes up we go to work. When we get home we play, eat and get ready for bed. We usually have a good 2-3 hours in the evening just to play. When he goes to bed I do my sweeping of the living room and get prepared for the next day. After ALL that stuff is done I sit down and do ME stuff like reading, writing or posting my blog. You must be asking where Daddy is during our day. Unfortunately we only get to see him a few hours in the morning time. He usually leaves for work around 1 and gets home at Midnight. BUT, the time we do get with him is AMESOME..
I am still reading Lynnette Kraft's book "In Faithfulness, He Afflicted Me". I am absolutely loving it. One moment I will be laughing and the next I will be crying. It is just a beautiful story. I will post the link so that anyone can purchase it. I totaly recommend starting it. It reads very easy and is not very long. I am half way through and I have only been reading it for a few hours.
Here is her blog
http://www.lynnettekraft.blogspot.com/. Go take a look!!
Here are some pictures of Alex..
Alex eating Animal Crackers..YUM
Prune Face!!
Standing Up
New Wooden Blocks
New Wooden Toy
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