Thursday, April 30, 2009

Life Life Life

I have not been taking time for me lately... I have been being a mom to Alex and Big Sister/Parent to Emily and trying to be a wife.. It is harder that I thought to have a 15 year old. She is great to have here and I love the feeling of knowing that she is in the room next to me. It is just a weight off my shoulders. It is hard to know where to drawl the line. I don't know if I am to strict with her or to lenient with her. It is hard to know when I have never been a mother to a 15 year old before. I just want to know that she is safe, happy and getting good grades. That is all I am really worried about. I also want her to start a relationship with God. I need to start having talks with her about it. I need to be praying more often. When I was writing everyday on here it reminded me to take "me time" and "God Time". I need to NOT forget the real important things..
Alex is getting 4 teeth in on the top.. they are almost here and they are KILLING him.. He is the fussiest he has ever been. He still gives me smiles and laughs all the time. He is just in pain while doing it. I have been using Ora Gel like a mad woman. If anyone has ANY other ideas for teething let me know!!
I have ten gillion pictures to upload and I got like almost 20 of them done the other day. When I was done half the picture was cut off cause they were to big. So I deleted the post and decided to start another day.
Alex has been cracking me up. He has this really neat picture book my sister got me for my baby shower. It is a book that I can put pictures in he can play with it. It protects the pictures. Well I have one in there of me and him and him and Daddy. Every time he sees the picture of him and daddy he giggles and says "da da" it is the cutest thing ever!!.... I am so happy right now.. I just need to get into a routine that works for us now that Emily is here.
I will post some pictures soon..
I am going to a visitation this evening for a good friend. Her name is Peggy and she died from Cancer just a few months after her husband.. She was really miserable and hurting both emotionally from her husband and physically from her cancer. I am very sad that she is gone.. I love her.. But I am so glad she gets to be with all the people that she loves in heaven, her husband especially. She is totally pain free now and that is amazing.

I have so many things that I want to talk about so I am going to list them here and then that will remind me to make a post about it.

Our Golf Cart
Our vacation
Our big change at the store
Child Proofing
Mike's Parents
My sister
Malik staying with us
Emily and the boy
Most of all I need to POST PICTURES....
There are a few more that I cannot remember...
I will think of them soon

I have to get ready and go to work.. Plus Alex is ready for him nap... Gotta Fly..

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Our week of Vacation!!

We have had a pretty good week of vacation. It is not over yet!! We still have Friday, Saturday and Sunday.. I am excited!! So here is how our week went.. Monday- we went to visit the Farm and my Aunt Lucielle. I got to remeber some awesome childhood memories and learn a little bit about the history of the farm. It was a memorable day!! I want to go back more often. Tuesday we just stayed home and did some cleaning and relaxing. Wednesday I had a doctors appointment and learned that I have lost 10 pounds in one month.. I am very happy about that. Today we went to Warrensburg, MO and went fishing at a friends house. Alex was cranky becuase he wanted to crawl around on the gravel and grass and I would not let him.. There were so many bugs and small things he could put in his mouth.. I hope we can go back soon just Mike and I.. It was beautiful.. maybe when Alex is walking he can go back..Tomorrow Mike is going to the Royals Game and I am having a party at the store. Then Saturday and Sunday are FREE and clear. We have NOTHING to do.. I am going to finish my cleaning and take Alex for a few walks outside.. I am very happy.

Here are some pictures of our week.. I posted a couple of Alex's Butt.. I LOVE baby bottoms.. They are so sweet.. This is actually the first picture I have of him standing up naked.. hehe..


Mike's Parents are going out of town for a whole WEEK and we will not get to see them. I am sad for Alex becuase they are two of his FAVORITE people.. I just love them..

My pictures did not all get downloaded.. My camera had died so I will have to post the GOOD ones later.. I promise I will..

Have a good night!!!

Daddy, Mommy and Baby
Great-Grandma Rita and Alex

Great-Grandma Rita and Malik

Malik, Mike, Grandma, Alex and the Moo Moo's

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Beautiful Day with lots of Demons!!

It is such a beautiful day outside!! Mike and I are cleaning the house with the windows open and the record player on quite loud. We listened to some Boston and now we are listening to some funny classical record I picked up for him at the Trade Fair. It is uplifting.
Alex took his FIRST big boy bath today. I filled the big bath up a few inches and just played and played and played.. It was fun.. He has been so tired lately. The poor little guy fights his sleep so bad somethings. He just won't give in. I guess the stubbornness could be a good things someday. He is so beautiful!!! I am in love with him more than I ever have been before. It just keeps getting better and better!!! God created an amazing little person...

I read about and pray for families of babies born with Anencephally. It is a neural tube defect. These families have really touched my heart and lately they have been getting some very cold hearted comments on their blogs. People are leaving the most horrible things regarding their babies. I just pray that God touches them and heals them. These people are obviously very hurt and sad because of something that has happened to them in their lives. They don't know who God is and I hope they someday do. I hope that deep down inside that they feel a little bit bad for what they are doing. I guess on judgement day it won't be pretty for them.
Dear God,
Please touch EVERY family that is dealing with Anencephally right now or any family that ever will. Give them the strength to deal with the things that are going on in their lives and the strength to deal with the devil bringing these comments onto their blogs. Let me just rejoice in you and give you the glory when things like this happen.
Thank you Lord for being so amazing and giving us AMAZING life... I LOVE YOU!!!

Alex is sleeping and Mike is cooking some chicken salad so I am going to get off here and finish my cleaning. I have to take my little sister to the doctor this evening and then coming back home to spend the envening here. I am so happy that we are home this week!!

We went to our family farm yesterday in Winchester, Ks and saw my Great-Aunt Lucielle.. We had a wonderful time!! I will post pictures soon..


Sunday, April 19, 2009

FINALLY.....I have time

I finally have a few minutes to write a little bit.. There are so many things going on in my life right now that it has been hard to sit down and blog. Last night I got a PERM.. My hair was SOOO flat.. It is VERY tight right now and will loosen up when I wash it tonight.. There are a few pretty funny pictures of it that I posted today.
Alex is doing WONDERFUL.. He is crawling everwhere and pulling up to everything. He is clapping now and just being so darn cute!!! He is so much fun!! He thinks that it is funny when I chase him and "i am gonna get you"....I just love him so much.
My little sister Emily is staying with me for a while.. I am so glad to have her here. It is great..Savannah left last week and I wish she was still here. I miss her and the girls so bad. It was great fun while she was here.
I am on vacation this week. We have a few things planned but other than that we are CLEANING and getting our life organized.. I am so totally excited..I will let you know how that goes.. whoooo hooooo

hgcsdszgvjylklklkcdszaw v bfxdxff (this is Alex saying Good Morning) He loves to type on the keyboard...

Anyways...I am going to go and put my little midget man to bed. He is wanting a little early morning nap..I will try ang get back on today.. I am going to read some of my bible today and I will then post my verse for the day.. I have not decided where I am going to start yet..

The back of my perm... not to bad

The front of my TIGHT perm.. It will get better.. I promise

Alex and his best friend Kyle...

My beautiful neice Madison!!

Alex drinking out of this big boy cup.

My morning AFRO...HA HA

Emy's morning smile......


Here are a few pictures...I will update and give the stories behind them later..I have heading to bed.. I have TONS of pictures to upload..

Tired Boy
He was OUT

Madison (my neice)

Caydence (my neice)

Nana and her boyfriend

Friday, April 17, 2009

Big Changes To Come

Tonight has been a tough night!! We have had some family problems with my little sister. Mike and I have decided that it would be best if she moved in with us. Mike was surpirsingly supportive and was actually excited about her being here. That was a blessing in itself. I will post more when I know what is going on. We are going to talk to her school counselor in the morning to get things worked out. Lets just hope it goes well.

I have million things to catch up on.. I have had lots of different things go on in my life the past few days. Alex has really started to blossom. I want to post a million pictures and I promise I will. It is almost 1:30 in the morning and we are getting ready to go to bed so I will try and post tomorrow.

Monday, April 13, 2009


I have a few things to do tonight but I will try and post a bunch of pictures of Alex. I have lots of stuff to write about and have not been feeling well enough to do it. That darn headache keeps coming back. I started taking a vitamin today just in case I am having some kind of vitamin deficiency. Let hope it works.
Some things I have to do today before I blog:
-work until 6
-take the kitten to grandview to give it to its new family
-cook dinner
-do my moms taxes
THEN and only then am I letting myself play on the computer.

Where Did I Put My Brain Again??

I loose everything.. I forget things 10 minutes ago..

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bloging, Babies, and AVON

I love the weather outside today!! It not to hot and not to cold. I hope it just goes up from here. I want to take Alex on walk around our little neighborhood soon. I can't wait. This week has been kind of different. I have been a Little less motivated than last week but this darn headache keeps coming back and it is really dragging me down. Alex has been GREAT.. He is FINALLY feeling better. He is still a little fussy because of his teeth but I think his ears are clearing up.

I started selling AVON so if you are interested PLEASE let me know. I would LOVE bring you or mail you a book.. There is a TON of cute spring and summer clothes, shoes and jewelry in this weeks catalog. Lots of adorable things. I used to think that Avon was for old ladies since my grandma always had a ton of it but I love it. They have really started selling to the younger crowds. Just email me at if you are interested in looking at a book..
I am also very busy with the store. Everyone is starting to look for summer clothes we have been swamped. That is a GOOD thing. The more turnover the better. I just can't wait until garage sales start!! I am addicted.

Oh yeah- (I am scatter brained) Alex ate some MEXICAN RICE at the mexican restaurant the other day. It was very bland and he just loved it. I am starting to try new things with him. I can't wait until he is off baby food. It is hard to imagine that we will be 1 in just over two months!! I have to start planning the party!!Whooo Hoooo

I got the coolest turtle lamp today and I got an older style glider rocking chair. I am going to sand and paint the rocking chair and maybe even put new fabric over the cushions. I am feeling like I need a little project..I am very excited.

I am posting some pictures of Alex the last week. And a picture of my awesome new lamp. Hope you like...

This evening I am going to a BBQ at Tiff's house and then tomorrow I have a full day of family stuff for Easter. So I will probable post again tomorrow evening..

My New Turtle Lamp

My Baby Boy Sleeping
How Alex Plays Nintendo
Climbing on a Toy at the Store
What a Big Boy
Prunes and Apples (it looks like his lip) Ha Ha
It Was Cold Outside

Da Da

Alex keeps calling me Da Da.. He will crawl up to me and say "Da Da" and then smile really big. I say "NOOOO Ma Ma" and he just smiles at me. I think it is a new little game he likes to play. He just cracks me up so much!!! I cannot wait until the day he call me Ma Ma..It will be so great.

I really need to upload all the pictures I have been taking. I will probably do that if I get a free minute at work today. I have a pretty full weekend and I cannot wait until vacation. Alex might be getting his picture taken with the Easter Bunny today. I am totally excited.. Have I ever mentioned how wonderful Mike's parents are?? Well, I am now.. THEY ARE WONDERFUL...

I need to go and get ready for work..

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I want some POP so Bad!!! I am trying to drink water ONLY and get away from the caffeine. I got the WORST headaches the first 4 days of no soda.. But I am over that hump and on to the next (NO FAST FOOD)..I am changing my lifestyle one thing at a time. I am looking forward to my hubby being home at 8 every night this week!! It is great.. ONLY 1 more week until vacation!!! We are staying home and doing NOTHING.. It sounds great to me!!

Spending Time

Alex and I have been at home playing ALL morning.. It could not get more beautifully simple than this.. I LOVE IT..

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Beautiful FRIENDS

where shall I start?? I did a few very important things today. I got to see my best friend Kelly. We went to lunch and it was great catching up. Then my other best friend Savannah got in from Wyoming so I got to see her. I have just had a wonderful day full of people that I love. It is not often that I get to see my BEST friends but when I do I LOVE IT. I cherish every moment of it and hope that it does not end. Alex was a good boy. Savannah took him for most of the day to spend some time with him while she is here. He was in a great mood. I know he is feeling much better!!
I am going to finish up some things for work tomorrow and then finish reading my book. I am just can't wait to read the end.
I really don't have any pictures to share today. I should have snapped some of my girls.. darn.. that is tomorrow..

People are Killing my Baby

Why is it okay for people to SMOKE around children?? When I go into a restaurant to eat and there is someone across the room smoking it makes me SO mad. I know there are "smoking" and "non-smoking" areas but it is all the same building. He breathes in the smoke. Why is it okay for ANYONE to light up a cigarette around ANY child? I don't care who they are. If they are going to smoke OKAY. Smoke in their car or outside or somewhere away from other people and kids. Why does Alex have to suffer for other peoples choices?? I will NEVER take him to Halfway again. We ate there the other night and it was a FOG of smoke. It was disgusting. I almost canceled my order and left. Applebee's is bad too. It always stinks in there. I know a few people that smoke in their homes and that is why I stay away. I don't want to subject Alex to that.

Mike's dad used to smoke and he NEVER smoked around me or Alex. He would never do it in the car with us or anything. Honestly, I never even knew he smoked until Mike told me and I noticed he went outside every now and then. He quit and I am so proud of him.

I guess I am just saying that if people are going to kill themselves that is their choice but Alex should not have to breath in the very same thing. It is not fair. I guess it is my responsibility as a mother to keep him away from it. I will do everything I can.

It makes me sad that people smoke. I know it is an addiction and I wish it did not exist. That is the number one reason I do not like Alex going to my moms. I know it is not healthy for him. She never smokes around him but it is still in the house.I just wish she would stop for herself. It is going to kill her eventually and I pray all the time for her to stop.

I hope that God can one day give her the strength to quit and let her know that she can overcome it. Sorry for the rant!! I just feel so strongly about it..

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Alex got his first haircut tonight!! I am so excited.. He looks so darn cute..I originally had it planned for tomorrow but my sister called and said she had time. Here are a few pictures of before and after.



Alex is still awake for some reason so I may post in the morning when we both get up an around. Savannah will be in town tomorrow and we have lunch with Kelly. I am so excited!!!

Life is Good!!

I just feel like things are totally awesome right now. Yes, there are things I really want to work on like my relationship with God and my organizational skills but I am trying. I get up at about 8 every mornign with Alex. Feed him, play with him and straighten up his little mess he managed to make in a couple hours. Around 10 or 11 he takes a nap so I can get ready for work. I get ready and when he wakes up we go to work. When we get home we play, eat and get ready for bed. We usually have a good 2-3 hours in the evening just to play. When he goes to bed I do my sweeping of the living room and get prepared for the next day. After ALL that stuff is done I sit down and do ME stuff like reading, writing or posting my blog. You must be asking where Daddy is during our day. Unfortunately we only get to see him a few hours in the morning time. He usually leaves for work around 1 and gets home at Midnight. BUT, the time we do get with him is AMESOME..

I am still reading Lynnette Kraft's book "In Faithfulness, He Afflicted Me". I am absolutely loving it. One moment I will be laughing and the next I will be crying. It is just a beautiful story. I will post the link so that anyone can purchase it. I totaly recommend starting it. It reads very easy and is not very long. I am half way through and I have only been reading it for a few hours.

Here is her blog Go take a look!!

Here are some pictures of Alex..

Alex eating Animal Crackers..YUM

Prune Face!!

Standing Up


New Wooden Blocks

New Wooden Toy

Monday, April 6, 2009

Much better

I am feeling better this morning. I started reading Lynnette Kraft's book "In Faithfulness, He Afflicted Me". I got to chapter 6 last night. It was amazing. I cannot wait to pick it up and start again today.
I started trying normal formula with Alex today. Hopefully we can ween him off the $42 a can formula. Pray his allergy is gone..
Mike is off today. FINALLY.. poor guy works all the time. I appreciate him so much!! He is a wonderful husband and daddy..

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I have had a very bad headache the last couple of days. Today it has been so bad I might even call it a migraine. Everything around me makes me sick, sounds, lights, smells.. I just want to take a hot shower and go to sleep. I have been taking medicine every 4 hours and it is not kicking it. Bleh!! I am also feeling dizzy and bloated. I think I need to go and get my blood taken just to make sure all my levels are good.

Alex is doing better today. He is still very congested but it is not really affecting his breathing. He cracked me up so many times today. He is the funniest little thing. Everyday he is learning something new. Today he has mastered walking across things. He stood up to his toy box and made it half way across the living room just by holding onto stuff and walking. I was very proud of him. He took forever to go to sleep tonight because his Albuterol makes him all shaky. I don't like it at all but it makes him breath better.
He was playing tonight and noticed the cat was playing with a piece of tape that was hanging off the side of a box. He thought it was the funniest thing in the world!! He giggled and giggled and giggled. It was awesome because it was the first time that something besides mommy and daddy made him laugh. He was simply amused on his own. It was great!!

I got a pretty new ring from Premier tonight.. It is just amazing. I am going to use it for my wedding ring since mine is to big for me.

I have to say I am worried about Baby Faith. They have not posted in 4 days. Here is their blog, please pray!!

Here is my bible verse for the day..I saw this verse on another blog today and I really like it..
Isaiah 40:31 - But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
Short and sweet, but oh so true.

I am going to bed..

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Taking a Break

My house is starting to look better little by little. I cleaned Alex's room and the living room. I have been dusting and mopping. It feels so much better when my house is clean. I still need to work on the kitchen, my room and the bathroom. I guess I will eventually get there.
I forgot the charger for my camera so I don't have any battery left. I won't be able to post any new pictures of Alex today.. :(

La La La

I feel so much better today!! It is such a relief not to have to do ANYTHING. Alex needed a whole day at home and I just needed to relax. My poor little baby is still sick but is a little bit better than yesterday.
I heard it was supposed to be nice outside today. I am going to open the windows and turn up the music. I plan on taking lots of pictures today.. I will post them later..
Hope everyone is having a great day!!

Sick Baby Boy

I am not going to do a long post tonight. I am exhausted and ready for some lovely sleep. Alex is sick. Overnight he developed wheezing, congestion and an ear infection. It is crazy how fast things can develop. I just got him checked yesterday and he was fine. Well, he has lots of retracting and wheezing. I am just trying to make him comfortable. I hope he gets better soon. I do not like when he is sick.

I am staying home ALL day tomorrow!! I decided I am not going anywhere or doing anything but cleaning and relaxing at home. Alex and I both need time to get well.

Here is my bible verse for today.. It is so very true!! Really think about what it says!!

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time: casting all your care upon Him; for He cares for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:6-8

Here are some pictures and a video of Alex when he was in the hospital with RSV..In the video, watch his chest, that is called retracting.. He is doing that today, not as bad but still retracting. They make me so thankful that we are NOT there..


Thursday, April 2, 2009

I should be sleeping

Alex went to sleep tonight at 9:30 and I am getting ready to head there myself. He fought me for about an hour and then I finally decided to put him in his infant car seat and I swear he was sleeping within seconds. I don't know what it is about that thing, but he loves it. I think it makes him feel secure and cozy. I am just glad he is getting a better night sleep tonight.

He had somewhat of a hard day today. We had his 9 month check up and everything was fine. He is 18 pounds and 29 inches. He is doing wonderful. No ear infection or wheezing!! Hooray :) I had to wake him up to take him so he was so exhausted to start out the day. At work he was just a fussy butt. He wanted me right by him all day. I pretty much just sat on the floor with him and played most of the time. He fell and hit is face at the store. The second picture shows the little bruise he got :( I was sad. He barely slept and so by 6:30 he was ready for a nap, so I let him sleep on the way home from Grandma and Grandpa's. Then he had to wake up and play for a couple hours.. He has just been acting like he is not feeling well. He has not been himself for a little over a week now. I am not sure what is going on.

I got a little kitty today. My sister Anne had it and it didn't work out for her so I brought it home. I am actually pleasantly surprised. Our dog Zoey has done awesome with it. She loves to play with it and it loves to play with her. The funny thing is that she is like 10 times bigger than it and she gets scared when it jumps out at her or hisses at her while they are playing. They are both BLACK and beautiful.. I am not sure what I am naming the kitten yet. I am going to let Mike help with that.

I have felt yucky today. I have had a headache, body aches and the chills. My tummy has been hurting pretty bad since about 1.. I am hoping I am not getting the flu or something horrible like that. I have not felt very good all week. Alex and I are both just poopy right now. Oh well, it will all get better soon. We both just need SLEEP...I may end up just taking tomorrow off to rest, relax and recuperate.

Here is my bible verse for the day. I really need to focus on this. He needs to be the center of my plans, decisions and thoughts. I do believe everything will be a whole lot brighter and better with a little faith, love and prayer. God is good. I need to be more faithful to him!! I do not pray enough and I take for granted the very thing that brought me and my family on to this earth. Without him I would not have my son. For that alone I owe my life.

"Commit to the LORD in whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."

Proverbs 16:3

Here is my prayer for tonight:
Dear Lord,
THANK YOU for ALL you do. THANK YOU for ALL you have blessed me with. THANK YOU for being here for me ALL the time!! THANK YOU for giving me the most amazing family. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!
Lord, I hear you and I see you, I know you are there. I know that sometimes I act like I cannot hear you or see you but I CAN. I promise to open up my eyes and ears and LISTEN to what you have to say. I promise to become more faithful to you. I promise to live for you. I need you to put someone in my life who can hold me accountable for the things that I do. I need you to put someone in my life who will encourage me to go to church on Sundays and worship You. Put someone here to talk to me about YOU. I need YOU.
I need you to put someone in Mike's life who will witness to him and help him to understand that You are real and You are here for him. I can't convince him of that when I myself have not "Walked the Walk" or "Talked the Talk".. Help me to show him how important You are to me. I want Alex to grow up and to know about Jesus and the story of his life and death. I want Alex to believe in God. I want him to pray and have faith. Show me Lord how to become a better Christian and Mother.
Lord, watch over my family. Keep Alex close to you and never let him go. Keep him safe from evil and from pain.
I love YOU and I always will. Help me to become a better person with a PLAN for life. I would like to know my purpose.
Thank you GOD

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Alex Sleeping zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

His little bruise from falling

His "Mommy why didn't you catch me" face

Our new little Kitten

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Little Stinker

Here is my little boy playing at almost 11:30 at night. I don't think he will ever go to bed. He thinks it is pretty cool he is getting to play. He is just happy as a lark now that he is not in his bed. I think I am probably starting a BAD habit. Well, actually he usually goes to sleep somewhat on his own.

Another Day

It is 10:30 and Alex is STILL awake. He is fighting his sleep so bad. After 2 hours of trying to get him to sleep I finally gave in. He is running around the living in his walker right now. I have not been able to get anything done these last 2 nights. I guess I didn't realize how hard it was to find time to write a blog. I am pretty sure Alex has a double ear infection. He has had a few before and he is pulling at his ears SO bad. He will wake up in the morning with scratches all over his ears from yanking at them all night. We have his 9month check-up in the morning so I will have him check his ears then. The poor little guy, he has teeth coming in, he has a cold, his ears are hurting him and he is just being so grumpy. I guess I would be too.

I took him into Wal-Mart today and he was sitting in the front of the cart like a big boy. I swear every old lady we ran into they stopped us to talk to him. THEN two ladies asked me if he was a boy or a girl. HELLO!! For one he was wearing ALL blue and for TWO I don't think he looks that much like a girl. Yes, he has long eye lashes and bright blue eyes but he does have some boyish features. I just think it is funny that people can't tell what gender he is at 9 months old.. Hmmmm

My job searching is not going anywhere. There is NO ONE in Archie, Harrisonville or Peculiar hiring for the hours I need. I have looked everywhere and there is nothing. I have yet to try Wal-Mart but I would really hate to work there. I just need something little in the mornings from 7-11.. Nothing big. Keep your fingers crossed that someone will call back on one of the applications I turned in.

Oh yeah, there was something funny Alex learned how to do today. I put him in his crib and went to make his bottle. He was standing up with his mouth on the railing and all i heard was a HUGE fart noise. He was blowing fart sounds on the railing of the bed and then laughing his but off after he did it. He thought he was hot stuff. I couldn't stop giggling at him. Ha Ha

Well, here are some pictures as I promised. The first one he does look like a girl in. I spiked his side burns in the bath and they stayed like that. I had to snap that shot. The second is of course bath time. This show how bad he needs his hair trimmed. The third is of him eating a biter biscuit yesterday. He was a MESS.. And the last one is of him standing at the side of his crib tonight after blowing fart noises on his railing. The video is of him eating and saying Da Da. Just listen to him.

Anyways, It is now 11 and he is still not sleeping. I better get off here and see what is going on with him. It is so frustrating to hear him screaming for 3 hours. I wish I knew what was wrong.

Here is my bible verse for the day.. I needed this one.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6

I am off to hold my baby :) Night

Odd Night

It is almost 2:30 in the morning and I just woke up. I got home last night and laid down with Alex to put him to sleep. Most of the time after he crashes I get up and do everything I need to do for tomorrow. Well, I fell asleep with him. I woke up and didn't know what time it was. My hubby got home, put Alex in his bed and never even woke me up. I guess I needed the sleep.I just feel like I don't know what is going on. Have you ever woke up from a nap and didn't know where you were? that is kind of what I feel like. So I will not be posting much tonight considering it is so late and I am half asleep.
Hope everyone had a great Tuesday and has a great Wednesday.