Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Beautiful Day with lots of Demons!!

It is such a beautiful day outside!! Mike and I are cleaning the house with the windows open and the record player on quite loud. We listened to some Boston and now we are listening to some funny classical record I picked up for him at the Trade Fair. It is uplifting.
Alex took his FIRST big boy bath today. I filled the big bath up a few inches and just played and played and played.. It was fun.. He has been so tired lately. The poor little guy fights his sleep so bad somethings. He just won't give in. I guess the stubbornness could be a good things someday. He is so beautiful!!! I am in love with him more than I ever have been before. It just keeps getting better and better!!! God created an amazing little person...

I read about and pray for families of babies born with Anencephally. It is a neural tube defect. These families have really touched my heart and lately they have been getting some very cold hearted comments on their blogs. People are leaving the most horrible things regarding their babies. I just pray that God touches them and heals them. These people are obviously very hurt and sad because of something that has happened to them in their lives. They don't know who God is and I hope they someday do. I hope that deep down inside that they feel a little bit bad for what they are doing. I guess on judgement day it won't be pretty for them.
Dear God,
Please touch EVERY family that is dealing with Anencephally right now or any family that ever will. Give them the strength to deal with the things that are going on in their lives and the strength to deal with the devil bringing these comments onto their blogs. Let me just rejoice in you and give you the glory when things like this happen.
Thank you Lord for being so amazing and giving us AMAZING life... I LOVE YOU!!!

Alex is sleeping and Mike is cooking some chicken salad so I am going to get off here and finish my cleaning. I have to take my little sister to the doctor this evening and then coming back home to spend the envening here. I am so happy that we are home this week!!

We went to our family farm yesterday in Winchester, Ks and saw my Great-Aunt Lucielle.. We had a wonderful time!! I will post pictures soon..


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